Regional Relocation Grant

The Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 will operate for 4 years commencing 1 July 2011. The scheme will provide applicants with a one-off payment of $7,000 to assist them with the cost of relocating from their metropolitan home to a regional home. The metropolitan area includes the local government areas of the Sydney…

Households Will Feel Impact of Carbon Tax

The Government has advised that on Sunday 10 July 2011 they will announce the price on pollution that is the central element of their policy to tackle climate change, cut pollution and drive the transformation of the Australian economy to a clean energy future.    The Government’s priorities in designing the carbon price have been stated as cutting pollution, protecting household…

Australia China Science And Research Fund

Australia-China research collaborations will benefit from an additional $18 million over the next three years, with the opening of a dedicated Australia-China Science and Research Fund (ACSRF) this week. The Australian Government is committing $A9 million to the Australia-China Science and Research Fund from 2011-12, which will be matched by the Chinese Government. This is…

Government Abandons Exporters

The Australian Labor Government provides over $20 billion to support innovation through the R&D Tax Scheme while providing only $150 million to support export marketing through the EMDG scheme. To put the government’s current approach into perspective, please consider this hypothetical scenario. An Australian business decides to develop a new product and commits $1 million towards developing…

Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme Closing

The Government has announced that on 30 June 2012, the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme will close.  The Government has paid over $320 million under the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme to help more than 250,000 Australian households replace older, more carbon polluting hot water systems with renewable, climate-friendly alternatives. To be eligible for the rebate before the scheme…

Grant Expertise

Congratulations to our client, an innovative data analysis company, who was recently awarded $1,000,000 for an Accelerating Commercialisation claim.  The success continues to highlight the expertise Pattens have in sophisticated large grant applications.

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