The work of numerous Aussie inventors can now be accessed online thanks to the latest addition to AusPat, a database of patent records dating back to that first patent issued under Commonwealth legislation. The new information may help modern day innovators by making it easier to find patented inventions, and provide a pool of priceless information for everyone interested in our nation’s history. AusPat offers a significant improvement on the old process which had people searching through a myriad of paper, microfiche and electronic systems. The new tool will save modern Australian inventors time and effort as they can easily search the inventions that have come before them. AusPat has data from over 7,300 books, 620,000 microfiche films and more than 37 million documents.
To access the AusPat search system visit
If you have an invention or innovative idea, why not take advantage of the government grants available to develop and commercialise it. Contact Pattens on 1800 PATTENS, the grants experts.