The Gillard Government will undertake a $12m public information campaign to explain to Australians why the climate tax is good for us.  The Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet, said the campaign would provide information about the Government’s plan to reduce Australia’s carbon pollution including through a carbon price.  It will also showcase the great work already being undertaken by everyday Australians to achieve a clean energy future.   As part of this campaign, the Government will develop national television and print advertising.

The Minister said “Climate change is a significant economic and environmental challenge that affects all Australians. The Government has a responsibility to provide the Australian community with clear information on climate change and to explain the context and objectives of its climate policy.”

The final decision on proceeding with advertising would depend on the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee discussions and on an advertising campaign meeting the requirements of the Government’s Guidelines on Campaign Advertising.

To help the public understand the challenges of climate change and the opportunities for a clean energy future, the Government will also launch a $3 million grant program on 30 June 2011.   The Government will provide grants of up to $250,000 for organisations to engage with the public on the opportunities of a clean energy future.  The grant program guidelines and application process will be made available on the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency website from 30 June 2011. The $8.2 million allocated in the 2011-12 Budget for the Climate Change Foundation Campaign will fund this grants program, partnerships and other community engagement activities.

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