Duty Drawback Scheme

Grant Information

The Duty Drawback Scheme enables exporters to obtain a refund of Customs duty paid on imported goods where those goods will be treated, processed, or incorporated in other goods for export; or are exported unused since importation.

Only the person who is the legal owner of the goods at the time the goods are exported, or a person to whom this right has been assigned, is eligible to claim Duty Drawback GST is not able to be refunded through the Duty Drawbacks Scheme. Duty drawback is available on most goods on which Customs duty was paid on importation and which has been exported.

Please note: Duty drawback can’t be claimed where:

  • Goods have been used in Australia other than for inspection, exhibition, processing, treatment, or further manufacture (i.e. goods can’t be claimed if used in the filtration or as manufacturing machinery of further manufactured product);
  • Goods are valued at exportation at less than 25 percent of their imported customs value; or
  • The import duty paid on the goods has been refunded.

To lodge a claim you must:

  • Register your Australian Business Number with Customs or obtain a Customs Client Identifier (CCID);
  • Obtain an Export Declaration Number (EDN) for every line on the Claim for Drawback; and
  • Provide your bank details when completing the drawback claim form or lodging electronically into the Integrated Cargo System.

More Information

The Australian government grant programs are always being changed and updated so it can be difficult for a busy business manager to keep track of what is available. The professionals at Pattens Group are familiar with all of the 700+ grants that are currently being offered and what it takes for an application to be successful. Let us share our 30+ years of experience with you when we find a government grant for your business. Contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation.

There are hundreds of grants available, so even if you don’t find what you are looking for you may still be eligible for an unlisted grant or private funding.

To arrange a meeting with one of our accredited experienced grants managers please contact us today at 1800 PATTENS or grants@pattens.com or fill out this form.