Low Carbon Australia (LCA)
Grant Information
Low Carbon Australia (LCA) provides co-investment, loans and advice to Australian business, government and the wider community to encourage action on energy efficiency, cost-effective carbon reductions, and accreditation for carbon neutral products and organisations.
LCA co-invests in innovative financing with companies with significant customer reach who can aggregate market demand. LCA has focused its initial investments on projects with market-creating value, those that are investment-ready and those which have significant demonstration impact in order to:
LCA provides an Energy Efficiency Program to provide finance and advice to eligible businesses and the public sector for the retrofit of commercial properties.
The Carbon Neutral Program which provides certification for organisations that have products or operations that are carbon neutral under the National Carbon Offset Standard.
LCA assists industry meet the cost of energy efficiency projects by offering pre-approved finance to support grant bids for the Clean Technology Investment Program and the Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program.
We have over 30 years of experience claiming grants with a 99% success rate!
To arrange a meeting with one of our accredited experienced grants managers please contact us today at 1800 PATTENS or grants@pattens.com or fill out this form.